To my fellow neighbors,
First, thank you for taking the time to get to know me a little bit better.
I am a lifelong resident of Plymouth where my family many, many years ago actually ran a general feed store. I love Plymouth, am passionate about our community, and have stayed in the area to go to school, work, and get married to my lovely wife Patty remaining in Plymouth to raise our family.
I obtained my Bachelor of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Michigan Technological University, furthering my education with a Masters in Business from the University of Detroit Mercy.
With a career as an automotive engineer, I felt compelled early on to give back to my community by serving on the Board as a Trustee. I have successfully been elected by Township Residents for seven terms now.
Getting to know me --
Responsible Leader for
Plymouth Township
Over the years, I have seen both good and controversial things happening in our Township. As a great family community, I am now compelled to run for Township Supervisor because I love the community I grew up in, and want to see the Township stay a great place for all who live here. I want to preserve the simplicity of our community that is sandwiched within an explosion of disjointed growth due to the many smaller municipalities comprising this area.
We can do better, we can work together so that there are win-win outcomes. Living in Plymouth Township is about the residents, supported by a thriving and responsible business community. We need to do better to ensure quality of life by meeting the needs of our community in a way that is fiscally responsible and aligns with our vision.
Quick fixes can often lead to future problems and my vision is looking at today, tomorrow and down the road for our children.
I believe in transparency, accountability, and putting people first. I remain passionate about making positive change for our community. Join me to ensure the future of Plymouth Township remains the reason why many chose to live here.
Gratefully and sincerely,